I'm 31 weeks!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby D is the size of a 3 lb bag of chicken
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 7lbs
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans and pants but everything else is regular.
Gender: It's a boy!!!!!!
Movement: He is VERY active - especially in the afternoon and at night!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good!
What I miss: Nothing really - maybe sleeping on my stomach? Or bending over? ha!
Cravings: Fruit and I'm hungry more often during the day now!
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness, a few Braxton Hicks, my lower back has been hurting, and my favorite - Heartburn. I'm popping tums like they are candy.
Best Moment this week: Getting Ryan all set up in his new room! I will post more on that tomorrow! It's still a work in progress but I'm looking forward to it all coming together and getting the nursery all set up! =)We had a great weekend! Saturday morning we went to a park and Ryan had the best time! It was a new park to us and one we will definitely be visiting more often. It wasn't crowded, was clean and Ryan loved it!
We were so glad to see the sun finally come out on Saturday but unfortunately the rain returned on Sunday and is forecasted to stick around most of the week! I'm so ready for sunny days so we can get out and enjoy it!
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