I joined the millions of people who got up early on this Friday, April 29th to watch the Royal Wedding live. I haven't been one of those waiting on the edge of my seat counting down the days to the royal nuptials but I must say that when I turned the tv on I was immediately mesmerized and drawn into all the excitement!

Catherine's dress was absolutely beautiful, regal and timeless. I loved it! It reminded me of Grace Kelly's wedding dress. I was impressed with the Christian themes throughout the ceremony! And the music was just spectacular. Can you imagine having that kind of choir and orchestra at your wedding? Simply amazing!
One of my favorite parts of the wedding was hearing the church bells as they walked out of Westminister Abbey! I also loved watching the pomp and circumstance of tradition after the ceremony of the royals headed to the Buckingham Palace.

This morning we went over to my friend Anissa's for a playdate. Ryan enjoyed seeing baby Quinn and of course just looking, not touching! He and Elizabeth had a blast playing together! Ryan immediately ran in and began playing with all her toys! Funny how we can have the same exact toys at our house but they are so much more fun at someone else's house! ha!
Tonight we had date night with our small group from church. It was our very first time leaving Ryan with someone other than family. I was a little nervous about it but he did great. A sweet high school girl from our church watched Ryan for us so we could go out. Her mom is our mentor mom in Mops. We had so much fun with friends and really enjoyed having a nice dinner, great fellowship and lots of laughs! It was a great evening after a great day!
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