We've had a great Memorial Day weekend! First of all I want to say thanks for all of those who serve or have served our country and fight for our freedom.
Saturday we had a pretty lazy day around the house! Matt got up early and brought home dunkin doughnuts again and they were SO good! I only have a few more weeks I can eat like that, ha! They were so yummy! Saturday night we went to Red Robin for dinner! It was good and Ryan did pretty well!
This morning we went to Matt's hometown, about 20 minutes away, to watch the memorial day parade. It was at 10 o'clock and it was already pretty warm. Papou, Matt's Dad, walked down with us to watch the parade. It was a short parade but Ryan enjoyed it!
After the parade we headed over to the pool to enjoy some sun in the sun! It was blazing hot by the time we got to the pool so we were ready to jump in the water!
Ryan had THE BEST time at the pool today! He had his bucket and watering can and just played forever. He loved pouring the water over his head and he would laugh every time he did it. It was so cute, I loved it! He will even hold on to the side of the pool and try to kick his feet and say "kick kick kick". He had such a blast and was not ready to leave when we had to go home! He threw a huge fit and melted down! Part of the reason was he was tired. We came home and he took a long three hour nap! I'm so glad he loved the pool. We can't wait to go back!

Lately Ryan is going through a very independent phase. He wants to do everything we do and doesn't want anyone's help! I'm trying to embrace it and let him help me do things. He is a good helper most of the time but it definitely takes lots of patience on our part! He also has started to test us when we correct him or tell him to do something. Alot of times he is just trying to get our attention or let us know he doesn't like what we said! I know he will do this more when Colton gets here! He is at a very fun age even though it can be trying and exhausting at times. We have so much fun together! I am so thankful and blessed to be able to stay home with him everyday and teach him new things!
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