Happy Cinco De Mayo! Oh how I would love a margarita today! =)
We finally saw the sunshine today! Everyone I saw was in such a great mood and I think it was because of the bright sunshine. Even Ryan woke up in a great mood this morning. He always wakes up with a smile on his face and so happy to see me come in his room but he was extra smiley today. He was chatting all over the place! I have no idea what he was saying but he was telling me all kinds of things.
I found this adorable picture frame at Kohls yesterday and I just had to get it. I love that I am going to have two boys so close in age and my prayer is that they will grow up to be best friends! This picture frame caught my eye and I knew it would be perfect for Ryan's new room! I can't wait to put a picture of Ryan and his little brother in it!
I ordered a chest to go in Ryan's new room when I ordered the baby's furniture. They called today and said the furniture is in so I'm gonna wait to do a post on Ryan's new room until next week when all the pieces, well most of them, will be in place.

And I have to share this new Vera Bradley canvas tot I saw on the front of an advertisement today! Oh my goodness, I fell in love! I already bought a new diaper bag but I decided I must find a use for this adorable canvas tot. I love it! So fun! It comes in many different colors including yellow, celery green, tan, navy blue, orange and grey. I think I like the red one the best! Maybe I will use it as a smaller diaper bag!
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