I'm 36 weeks!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Size of baby: Colton is around 6 lbs - about the size of a crenshaw melon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 17 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans and pants but everything else is regular. I'm down to just a few things I can still fit into. ha!
Gender: It's a boy!!!!! Colton Matthew Deepe
Movement: He is VERY active - especially in the afternoon and at night. I'm really going to miss feeling him move in my belly once he comes. It's my favorite part of pregnancy!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good but I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs now to take the pressure off my lower back.
What I miss: Nothing really - maybe sleeping on my stomach? Or bending over? ha!
Cravings: I've lost my appetite lately - I think maybe my stomach has run out of room? I get full fast but then I'm hungry every few hours!
Symptoms: Lately I've been having a lot of pressure - mostly because it's the second pregnancy. I'm still heartburn free and not really having much swelling, definitely happy about that!
Best Moment this week: Going to the doctor and knowing everything is great and hearing Colton's heartbeat. I had my strep B test on Friday and had my first internal exam. I'm neither dilated nor effaced. The doctor said he is still pretty high and hasn't dropped yet. He assured us he didn't think Colton would arrive before Ryan's birthday on June 15th. I'm hoping for the week after Ryan's birthday!
We had a fun weekend! Saturday we took Ryan to the pool and he had a blast playing in the water! I'm so glad he loves the water! She loves to hold on to the side of the pool and say "kick kick kick" and he will stick his face in the water and blow bubbles!
Matt's extended family live in a little town about 40 minutes away and they were having their annual carnival so we took Ryan out there to enjoy some food and fun. He had such a fun time! He loved the music, the stuffed cow his daddy won for him and especially the pony ride. And of course we all enjoyed some yummy carnival food! It was a fun night!
Sunday we went to church and came home for lunch and naps! I headed to party city to get stuff for Ryan's birthday party this coming weekend and to the grocery store. When I came home Matt decided to take Ryan on a boys outing to Home Depot! Matt doesn't take Ryan many places by himself but I think that will change once Colton arrives. Ryan just loves his daddy so much and practically goes around the house saying dadda all day long! Love those boys!!!
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