Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Do you need a Marriage Ref?

Do you need a marriage ref?

The "Marriage Ref" is a new reality show created by Jerry Senfield airing on Thursday night on NBC. The premise of the show involves real life couples who have been having an on-going fight for a long time. A video clip is shown to a three member celebrity panel showing both sides of the argument. The celebrity panel discusses the merits of both sides of the argument and then vote on who they think is right.
As I was watching the other night I thought about what argument we have frequently that would benefit from a "marriage ref", ha. Honestly there are many "little" things that could qualify but I know most of those are my from OCD. Having Ryan has really helped and forced me to not sweat the small stuff and realize it doesn't always have to be done my way.
I digress, the argument we frequently have is should you rinse the dishes before they go in the dishwasher or just load it without rinsing. I think you must rinse and Matt thinks you don't need to rinse. He says "that's what the dishwasher is for". I said "it's a 'dish' washer not a 'food' washer.

So what do you think? To rinse or not to rinse?

We had a low-key day. We went to the gym this morning. Ryan took two good naps and I caught up on laundry. This weekend I'm planning to attack the closets. I need to switch my spring and winter clothes from the guest room closet to my master closet.
It's wild because all of my spring clothes I haven't worn in two years (1 season). I am happy to say that I can wear most of my old clothes but I seriously need and want some new spring/summer clothes. And I'm down 3 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. Woohoo!


Courtney Rogers said...

Definitely, rinse!!! Hands Down!

Summer said...

Ha-larious....girl Greg and I have this same disagreement....To rinse definitely!! I told Greg the same thing it is a dish washer not a food washer and unlike the commercials where ya can put a whole cake in the dishwasher and clean the dish, um this is real life and our dishwashe is so not gonna do that LOL....

Ryan looks presh in his shirt! WooHoo on your weight loss....great job girly

Summer :0)

Eric and Katherine Brown said...

Definitely rinse!!!