Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Analiese Marie!

We finally made it out of the house today...can I get an AMEN!!! We only got out for a little bit this morning to go to the gym but it was great to get some fresh air. I got a much needed great workout and this afternoon Ryan took a two and half hour nap.
This morning I woke up to the exciting news that my best friend Rachel, who I was just visiting last week, had her baby early this the parking lot of the hospital!!!!! Yup, it was one of those amazing birth stories! Analiese Marie was born at 2:30AM weighing 6lbs 4oz and 19 in. long.

It all started last night when Raych texted me saying she was not feeling well and having contractions. (I should tell you that she would have been 38 weeks tomorrow) She totally thought they were braxton hicks since she had been experiencing them for many days. I told her she needed to rest and take it easy. You see, her son Alex was born two weeks early just 21 months ago. I woke up to a text at 12:30 from Raych saying she was in some pain but took a bath and was laying down resting. After she texted me she got that feeling and knew that the baby was coming and coming soon! They jumped in the car and made their way to the hospital but the roads were bad from the snow so it took a little longer. They finally made it to the hospital but Raych was feeling the need to push. There was no time. Eric ran into the ER to get help and when he came out and opened the door he basically caught her in his arms. How amazing is that? Nurses and EMT's were right there to get her and the baby right inside. Mommy and baby are doing great! What an amazing story to tell Analiese one day!
Can I shove this whole phone in my mouth???


Angela said...

oh my word! Can't imagine! Glad everyone is doing well- such a cute name! I'm sure she is beautiful- she is Rachel's baby after all!

Courtney Rogers said...

I can't believe that!!!! I'm so glad you shared it with us. I saw Rachel's FB post today but I sooo needed more details. I'm so glad everything went ok! I have to ask, where was Alex during all of this???

Summer said...

WOW that is an AMAZING BIRTH story!! Congrats to your BFF Rachel and her new bundle of joy! I love the name she chose for her....very cute and I have never heard it before! I am glad mommy and baby are doing well!

OH and AMEN for getting out of the house girly!! It's funny that once you become a mommy the silly things like going to the gym or Walmart gets you super excited....Funny Stuff....

Have a Happy Thursday
Summer :0)

Summer said...

Eric's (Rachel's husband) parents live nearby so they came over to watch Alex so they could head to the hospital!

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