Colton - You are THREE months old!!!!
What have you been up to this month???

I cannot believe you are already three months old! The time is just flying TOO fast!
You weigh 13 pounds and wear size 3 month clothes and starting to wear 3-6 month clothes. You wear size 1 diapers but I think will soon be in size 1-2.
You eat on a three hour schedule during the day beginning around 7am. You take five 5 oz bottles during the day and a dream feed bottle between 10-1:30. You are sleeping through the night and we are SO glad. You went for a few weeks where you were waking up multiple times in the night and just needed your paci but for the last week you have slept from around 8pm to around 7am. We are SO glad you are a good sleeper.

You are the sweetest, easiest baby! You are just so content and love to watch your big brother and look around to see what is going on around you.
You are not big on your paci. You just don't cry very much so no need for the paci. You only cry when you are hungry or real tired.
You love to watch your big brother Ryan. He has basically ignored you for the last 3 months but just in the last couple days he has taken a liking to you and comes over to talk and smile at you. I know you two will get along better as you get more mobile and interactive.

I love seeing your sweet smile. You love when we play patty cake with you and you just smile so big.
So wild how you look so different from Ryan. You have lots of dark hair and gray/brown eyes. Ryan had just a little blonde hair at this age.
Your eyes have been a gray color but they are starting to turn brown. I'm pretty sure you will be brown eyed like the rest of us! =)
You had your first time in the church nursery last week at MOPS. I'm sure we will put you in there on sundays soon.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you are already three months old and other times I can't remember what life was like before we had you! You are such a sweet pure joy and we are SO blessed to have you in our family! I can't imagine not having you! Your sweet smile just lights up my world.
You are starting to look more like Ryan. You both look lots like your daddy but I think you both look like me some too, ha! I can't wait to see what you will look like at 6, 9 and 12 months.