I'm 18 weeks!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 18 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby D is the size of a sweet potato!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Lost 6 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, still packed away for now!
Gender: Sooo can't wait to find out! 4 more days!!!! I'm dying to know! I have dreams about it every single night now.
Movement: I've been feeling lots of flutters and some kicks here and there!
Sleep: I'm sleeping great!
What I miss: Nothing really - maybe caffeine
Cravings: FRUIT!!
Symptons: Right now just tiredness, and a little bit of heartburn!
Best Moment this week: Preparing for our Gender Reveal Party this Saturday night!
We took pictures yesterday before church and Ryan was not exactly wanting his picture taken. In the first picture he had been crying/fussing until Daddy made him laugh. Then he wanted me to hold him.
Saturday night my sweet in-laws came over to watch Ryan so we could have a date night. We actually went and looked at van's! We will more than likely get a van in the next 6 months. We are 85% sure we will get a used Honda Odyssey. I love my Lexus SUV (which I still have yet to get back from the shop ughhhh, Hoping to get it back this week, say a BIG prayer!) We went to dinner at J.Alexander's and it was SOOOOOO good. I was starving when we got there and so full when we left. It was delicious and I can't wait to go back!