The first week of school is in the books! Ryan did awesome and loved every day of school! I'm so thankful for wonderful teachers! I hope he always loves school and loves learning.
Colton did great at school on Tuesday but he's had a hard time adjusting to big brother being gone at school. He fussed and cried pretty bad at the gym when I dropped just him off but today he was much better. He adores his big brother and used to having his around all the time. Praying he adjust quickly!
Today felt like the first real day of fall. The temps finally dropped and it was time to pull out the jeans and tennis shoes and put away the shorts and crocs.
I bought my first pair of FRYE riding books last week and I cannot wait to wear them! I'm so excited. I love fall fashion! These are some fall looks I'm loving!
I'm looking forward to watching my VOLS play against the Oregon Ducks! We probably won't beat the number 2 ducks but I'm hoping for a good show by the Vols.
Lastly I can't wait for a little date night with my honey on Saturday night!

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