Today was Colton's first day of Mother's Day Out! He was less than thrilled to wear his backpack and carry his lunch box but he did sit on the front porch for me and say "cheese. He looked so cute all ready for school this morning.
He is in love with the Little Blue Truck book and would not put it down this morning.
I'm super excited for him to be in "school" and know he is going to do awesome and love it!
We dropped Colton off without a hitch. He went right on in and followed Ryan to his classroom. No tears from anyone. So proud of this big boy.
He went in and started playing with all his new friends. When we came to pick him up he was so excited to see us. His teachers said he had a great day and was all smiles the whole time. Such a cutie pie, just love this little bear.
After we dropped Colton off, Ryan and I headed to his preschool to meet his new teachers for the year. He loved seeing his new classroom and seeing his friends.
I was so glad to see most of my girlfriends whose kids also go to our preschool. I have been missing them. I did Bible study with most of them this summer but haven't seem them in weeks. It was good for my momma soul. Love my friends and SO thankful for them.
After orientation Ryan played on the playground at school with some of his friends. I told Ryan it was a "Ryan Mommy day". He said "oh mommy, that's sweet". Loved spending some one on one time with him today! We grabbed lunch together before heading to pick up little brother.
It was a great day. I'm looking forward to getting into our routine and enjoying our favorite time of year!

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