MOPS has been apart of my life for the past four years. This year I have the privilege to co-lead with my sweet friend Laura. I wasn't sure I wanted to lead and take on that much responsibility but I felt God urging me to step up and lead this fantastic group of moms.
I see MOPS as a ministry for moms of preschoolers. When I first started and was a new mom these women really ministered to me and helped get me through that newborn phase, the terrible twos and juggling two kiddos.
This year our theme for MOPS is A Beautiful Mess: Embracing Your Story! We all have a beautiful mess! For instance, this morning I had to get up super early and get ready before the boys got up, then get then up, changed, fed and get ALL my stuff together for our first MOPS meeting today. I had most of it together last night but it's always hectic getting us out the door in the morning.
Life can be crazy, especially with two small children and a husband who is going to school full time and has different schedule every day. There are so many days that the laundry doesn't get done, the cleaning doesn't get done and you get take out for the third night in a row because of a busy schedule or I just don't feel like cooking.
I get comments all the time from random onlookers who see me and the boys and say "Oh, I miss that age"! I do believe I will miss this age! The boys are sweet and innocent and messy and wild but they are the greatest gift God has ever given me. This is my beautiful mess and I love them so deeply and wouldn't trade them or this stage for anything in the world.

Hey Summer! I'd love to ask you some questions about convention. Do you have an email address I can email you at?
Hi Raquel, you can email me at! Getting very excited about convention in less than 2 weeks!!!
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