Thursday, October 20, 2011


I was searching through a closet for Ryan's winter hat when I found this adorable hat I bought for Ryan, probably when he was a little older than Colton, but he never wore it.

It has suddenly turned cold here so Colton might be wearing this hat very soon! The high for today is 45 degrees. Buuuurrrrr! We are enjoying spending time warm and cozy inside.

I don't know if it was a fluke or not but Colton rolled, from his belly to his back, about five times on Monday. We had come home from dropping Ryan off at Mother's Day Out and we're playing on the floor. He immediately rolled over when I laid him on his belly. He hasn't done it since. I did get it on video and sent it to Matt at work.

Ryan didn't roll till he after he was four months old. I'm not ready for my baby to grow up so fast and reach these milestones.

I've pretty much decided that for the first year of our child's life I'm going to wear sweats and t's only, unless going out somewhere nice! I went shopping at the outlet mall on Saturday and got a couple cute nice things but I basically live in sweats and tshirts.

Thank the Lord Colton does not have the horrible acid reflux like Ryan did but oh he has the awful spit up like Ryan did. I'm not sure who spits up more. I'm thinking Ryan probably wins that one. Bless his adorable heart but Colton is a big spitter. Seems like I'm always wiping spit up off his face, bib and clothes. Ugh!!! I tell myself all the time, this too shall pass!

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