Thursday, December 16, 2010

Eighteen Months

Ryan - You are EIGHTEEN months!
You are a year and a half old!!

What have you been up to this month???
You weigh 26 lbs. You wear size 4 diapers, size 18-24 months clothes and size 5 shoe.

You have 16 teeth now. All of your baby teeth are in now!

You still take a good 3 hour nap in the afternoon.

You sleep from 7:30pm to 8/8:30am. We are so thankful you are such a good sleeper!

You love playing with blocks and building things. You interact more with your toys now. You love toys where you put the shape in right place. You get better every day.

You love to give hugs and blow kisses. I can be talking on the phone and start to get off the phone and you will start to wave.

You love to run from me when I need to put your coat or shoes on. I've started giving you time warnings before we leave the house or before naptime. Hoping transition times get easier on you and me.

Your vocabulary is slowly growing. I think you are really shy because you hardly ever say things on command. You do say momma, dadda, hi, baby, dog, woof and the other day you tried to say Jesus. I'm trying to teach you please and thank you. Sometimes you mumble what sounds like please. You have learned to communicate pretty well without words.

We have only tried time-out a time or two but learned that you just need a spankin when you are being disobedient.

You love to dance when you hear music on the tv. You clap to music in the car. Your favorite show is Wheel of Fortune. We usually are ready to put you to bed early but you act so well during WOF we don't mind you staying up later.

You love to point out your body parts - ears, head, mouth, teeth, nose.

You are still a momma's boy. Even though you are heavy to hold and momma wants a break I love when you snuggle and sit in my lap.

You love to try to feed yourself with a spoon or fork. It's still a work in progress but you are getting better.

I can't believe we are halfway to two. Where has the time gone? I swear you were just born last week. You are our sweet monkey boy and we love you so very much!

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