Thursday, December 23, 2010

Almost Christmas time

Only a few more days til Christmas!!!! My parents and brother arrived from Memphis last night. We are so excited to have them here for Christmas. This morning we were blessed with Ryan sleeping til 9:00! Woohoo! That doesn't happen much so when it does I take complete advantage of it. Ryan was so sweet this morning. He watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with my dad and I and read his books.
We had a pretty low key relaxing day! We went to Mimi's Cafe for lunch. Ryan did ok until our food came. Then he told us, in not so many words, that he was done and ready to go. Ryan loves to throw anything and everything on the floor right now. He will throw it down, then want it back just to throw it down again. I'm trying my best to keep my cool and punish him and tell him we don't throw things but sometimes I think I might lose my mind. I sure hope this "phase" doesn't last much longer.

Our little cookie monster!
I'm looking forward to a fun Christmas Eve day tomorrow.

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