I am definitely feeling the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. We have been super busy with shopping, parties, decorating and just the every day stuff. I love the Christmas season and want to make it the best and most memorable for my boys.
We had a fun first weekend in December! Saturday morning Matt went to a boot camp class so I took the boys shopping and to the bookstore to play. The boys were great and had the best time playing at the bookstore. It is the coolest bookstore with a huge area for story time, train tables and even a play kitchen. The boys had the BEST time playing! We will definitely be making another trip back again soon!
After the bookstore we met up with Matt at Five Guys to grab some lunch. Ryan loved the peanuts and both the boys ate so good.
Saturday afternoon we finally put up our Christmas tree and the rest of our Christmas decorations! Yay! So nice to have them up to enjoy. The boys love the tree and are being pretty good about not touching everything.
On days that Ryan has preschool I usually give Colton a snack trap of goldfish to keep him occupied and awake in the backseat until we get home. I gave him some on Saturday since we were driving home right at nap time. This is what I found when I opened the door when we got home. Silly boy!
Matt photo bombing my picture of Colton!
Sunday we went to church in the morning and to a birthday party that afternoon. The boys had so much fun and played so hard.

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