Today was the first day I've taken pictures of the boys since last wednesday. Ryan had some form of the stomach bug on Saturday so we had a pretty low key weekend. He never was throwing up but had an awful upset tummy all day Saturday and even some on Sunday. Thankfully he seems to be feeling much better today.
Friday night we went to see some family that live in Williamsburg. We loved getting to see Uncle Steve, Aunt Teresa, Isaac and Stacey, Brenda and James, and our dear friend Gail. It was a long overdue visit and we enjoyed seeing everyone.
Saturday morning I went to the Ladies Christmas Lunch at our church. I was so excited my MIL Kris, her mom Nicki and my SIL Erin came too. Our speaker was Kelly Minter and she was fabulous. She gave such a great and touching message. I didn't get a picture of our table but Kris and Erin both did. I will post as soon as I get them.
We decided to introduce Ryan to Elf on the Shelf this year. I feel like this is the first year that he can really understand Christmas. He loves to read the nativity story and hear about baby Jesus' birth. And he loves pointing out Santa Claus.
Ryan decided to name our elf Billy. Many days we call him "Silly Billy" because he does some pretty crazy things around the house from driving Ryan's dump truck to playing cards with Mickey Mouse to watching it snow outside the window. Ryan loves hunting for him every morning. This morning he found him sitting on the cookbooks fishing.
It's been so fun seeing Christmas through a child's eyes. Ryan is enthralled with all the lights, decorations and magic of it all. What a treasure to have little ones this time of year.

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