Thursday, September 30, 2010

15 Month Check Up

This morning we had Ryan's 15 month check up! He did great and he is right on track for all his milestones. He weighs almost 25 pounds (50%), is 32 1/2 inches tall (75%) and his head is in the 60%. We have one tall lean little boy.
He is still not saying many words but he is showing improvements. We are working with flashcards and puzzles every day. He says mommy, daddy, sometimes baby. Today he almost said Bible. He loves his Bible and when I asked him about Jesus after church the other day he clapped his hands. He knows where his ear, mouth and teeth are. We are working on nose and eyes.
He is so funny! When we are out and he sees someone he will smile at them and wave. If they smile back he will get this really big cheesy grin. It's so adorable. I could just eat him up.

The doctor also said Ryan's ears looked perfect, no fluid at all! Woohoo!

We are so blessed to have such a healthy and adorable little boy. I think back to this time last year and how he was just a almost 4 month old. Seems like so long ago. They grow up so fast. I cherish every day at the stage we are at because it definitely won't last long!

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