Monday, January 14, 2013


 Some days things just don't go as planned!  This morning I got up and ready for the gym.  I planned on us going to the gym then we were meeting some friends at CFA for lunch.  Well half way to the gym Colton got sick in the backseat of the car.  Awesome!  I didn't hear it or see it so I have no clue why but it was everywhere! Ugh!  It's one of the worst things about parenting.  I don't know if he chocked or maybe just got car sick.  Thank goodness Matt was still home so he helped me clean things up.

I was really frustrated.  I had these expectations of what my day was going to look like and it changed in a millisecond.  I don't do well when plans change.  Thankfully Colton has been fine the rest of the day!  We still had lunch with our friends and I was able to workout during the boys nap time.  I didn't get the five dozen cookies baked that I really needed to but there is always tomorrow.  

God is teaching me that I need to be more flexible and not so uptight.  Sometimes expectations aren't met and I need to remember that is still part of God's plan.  Thank you Lord that tomorrow is a new day!


Summer said...

OK I am gonna nerd out here but when you said there is always tomorrow I started singing in my head there's always tomorrow for dreams to come true bwahahaha! Yes I'm a nerd lol!

The boys look uber precious in their matching outfits!

OMG I gag when I clean up throwup. I am glad your hubs was around to help you and I am glad he is fine and you guys didn't get sick!

OMG that's alot of cookies.

I was gonna tell you we may be heading your way again soon for my friends daughter's bday at the Great Wolf lol we can't get enough of that place and if we do I will give you a shout could maybe bring the boys and have fun at the water park with us!

Ill letcha know!


Angela said...

Did I miss the weight loss post you promised me? Please include your daily diet if you can :)