2011 was an amazing year. Of course the highlight of the year was welcoming Colton into our family. He brings such joy and delight to our lives every day. He has the sweetest smile and such a sweet spirit.
We have enjoyed watching Ryan grow this year into a little boy. He is growing so fast and learning new things all the time. I'm excited to watch him continue to grow this year.
We enjoyed an amazing vacation to Florida with our friends the Tichy's and the Weaver's.
2011 brought so much joy and many blessings to our family. We are blessed beyond measure with an amazing family and sweet friends.
I'm not very big on new year's resolutions. I would rather make personal goals for myself during the year of things I need to work on and things I want to work on. This year I want to cook healthier and more often. I know this might be challenging with two small kids but it's a start. I want to set a goal to workout six days a week. I need to lose weight. I have reached my pre pregnancy weight but I need to lose more. I want us to be better about sticking to the budget each month. I want to be more organized and have a cleaner house. I want to read more books for fun. I need to read more books on parenting. I want to spend more time in God's word every day. I want to be a better friend. I want to be a better wife. I want to be a better mother.
This year I want to treasure every moment. Treasure the hard times when I'm about to lose my mind and the amazing times when all my boys are good and sweet. I want to be the best wife, mom, daughter and child of God I can be!