Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Days

We are currently wrapping up day THREE of SnowBlast 2015.  And school was just cancelled for the rest of the week!  Cue the crazy eye emoji!  I'm over it, as in totally OVER winter!!!  Ole man winter can just go to... well, this snow just needs to go, you are not welcome here.  

We have been homebound since Sunday night.  Snow/sleet came in late sunday night then when things started to clear up yesterday, we got more snow last night.  I love sleeping in and spending time with my precious little boys but I'm about to lose it over here.  I always tell people I love being a stay at home mom but I'm not very good at the "stay at home" part.  I like being on the go.  

Thankfully today the sun came out and even though the temps were still in the teens it warmed up the roads enough to melt the ice so we headed down to the new McAlister's that just opened less than a mile from our house.  Oh sanity in the form of sweet tea!!!  I think the boys were equally glad to get out of the house.  

Matt has been working from home all week and I can tell he's ready to get back in the office and definitely back in the gym.  Honestly the only positive I can find is that I am 35 weeks pregnant, exhausted and all I want to do is chill on the couch and watch mindless tv all day!  

Matt graciously took the boys outside today to play in the snow for the first time this week.  It was so cold they only lasted about twenty minutes.  God bless him!   

Yesterday I made Pioneer Woman cinnamon rolls.  They were so yummy!  

This is how Annabelle does a snow/ice day!  Such a lazy dog!  And Gracie is under the blanket right next to her, haha!

 Another must do on a snow day....making rice krispy treats with my favorite five year old.  

1 comment:

Chelley N said...

We're having never-ending winter weather, too. Ugh. Those cinnamon rolls look AMAZING!