I read this verse today in my quiet time and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Jeremiah 10:23 "I know, Oh Lord, that the way of man is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps."
It's been quit stressful around here the last few months! Let's just put it all out on the table. Matt started CPA stuff back in May. He's taken 2 out of the 4 exams. He did awesome on the first text but hasn't received scores on text #2 yet. His next exam (the hardest one) is in eleven days. He is a ball of stress right now. I've been taking care of the boys almost 100% of the time including baths and bedtime and trying to make sure Matt has enough study time. All the man does is study from sun up, small breaks to eat, study more, see us a little and study before going to bed. Only one month left to go then no more studying! Woohoo!
Moving on...yeah so, we need to sell our house! Uhm yeah, this keeping a house clean while it's on the market is for the birds! It's hard stuff! I'm exhausted! And Matt is working with multiple head hunters in Nashville to get leads on jobs.
Needless to say we are a little stressed in the Deepe house right now! I am SOOOOOO grateful for a wonderful husband who has graciously hitched his wagon to follow my dream! I am over the moon excited to move to Nashville! It's been a dream of mine for a looooong time and no, it's not because I can sing because I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I just love that town and I love the south! It's what I know and it's home for me!
I was talking to a friend yesterday about all these "things" going on in our life and she said "those are all things you can't control!" Bingo! Ok God, I get it! Then I came home to read that verse in Jeremiah! Ok ok ok God, I really get it now! I CAN'T control any of this, it's all about you and YOUR timing. So I had a come to Jesus and told God I was surrendering all these things and laying them at his feet. I'm not in control nor do I want to be. God continues to show us that he is moving in a mighty way in our lives! He is working behind the scenes and He has bigger plans than we could ever imagine!
Oh yeah, and did I mention the theme of Sunday's sermon at church was "Stop worrying, trust Jesus!"
Ok God, I get it!!!
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