This morning we went to my friend Kristen's house for a fun Easter Egg hunt with our friends. The boys before we left the house! They are so handsome!
There were about 12 moms and around 25+ kids. The house was packed but surprisingly it wasn't that wild. The kids played in the basement initially then the girls did a craft while the boys ate, then we switched.
Pictured: Evan, Rachel and Gracie
Everyone brought a brunch item to share! We had quit a spread of food.
Colton came over and wanted to sit next to big brother.
After some food and craft time it was time to go outside and hunt some Easter eggs!
The older kiddos - Noah, Ella, Georgia, Rachel and Gracie.
The three and four year old group.
Ryan was super excited and couldn't wait to go find some eggs!
Parker, Colby, Kyle, Evan and Linely. Linley was holding her own with all the boys! This girls cracks me up.
We all brought five eggs filled with treats.
Ryan was the first to spot these on the swing set.
Little C Bear was so excited to find some eggs! He was just adorable. He came running down the hill with his eggs.
Love this sweet boy. It's his first Easter that he can hunt eggs and really get into it. He has been loving it.
My sweet friend Laura with her beautiful girls!
It was such a fun day with friends and celebrating the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. I love, love my friends and so blessed to have them in my life.