Today I had my 33 week doctors appointment! It went well and pretty much uneventful! Blood pressure was ideal (120/80) and the doc said I'm measuring right on schedule! She asked me if I've had an contractions and I said "uhm, I don't think so" ha!
This Saturday is our all day childbirth class! I'm so excited and can't wait! Matt is a little worried about the gruesomeness of the class but I think it will be great we will learn a lot!
I'm still sleeping well (knock on wood) and not uncomfortable yet! My biggest complaint is the heartburn! I'm totally convinced this baby is going to have a huge full head of hair with all the heartburn I have! Last night I was fine after dinner until we went to bed! This little bottle down below has become my best friend! I personally like the powder ones that you just pour on your tongue and it dissolves! So cool, wish I had invented that! ha

Gruesome pics to follow!!!
So Matt was working out with his bf on Saturday. They were punching and kicking a boxing bag and my lovely, brown belted martial artist husband kicked the bag and jammed his toe! It was not pretty, as you can see, ha! He came home limping and in pain! This is his toe on Monday night! It looks tons better than it did Saturday night! He went to the doc on Monday, got an xray and sure is broken!! Not much you can do for a broken toe. He got a small boot and some pain pills. He's doing better and says he's not in pain. But no running for 4 weeks! yikes!
Oh ouch!
We went to a Labor & Delivery class. Nathan said it wasn't as gruesome as he thought it was gonna be. We'll see how he handles it in a few weeks! =)
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