Monday, March 31, 2014

Happy Opening Day - Go Reds!!!

I decided to be brave today and take the boys down to the opening day parade for the Cincinnati Reds.  

We were going to meet some friends but I didn't plan very well and had a hard time finding a place to park.  Needless to say we didn't meet up with our friends but we still had a great time.  Definitely something we can say we did and had fun. 

It's a pretty long parade.  We got there at 12 and didn't leave til a little after 2pm.  It actually made me proud to live in Cincinnati.  I love me some baseball and I loved seeing everyone with such pride for our Cincinnati Reds.  Even everyone at the gym this morning was decorated in their Reds attire.  Love it! 

Ryan said his favorite part was the cars.  He loved the firetrucks and the bands.  Colton didn't like the loud horns or sirens or drums but he loved the music.  He's my little dancing dude!

It was definitely a fun day and one we will not forget.  

Friday, March 28, 2014


 Well we have had an eventful week around here.  Late Saturday night and Sunday Colton started running a fever and not feeling good.  He had the usual runny nose, congestion and cough.  He was not feeling good on Monday and by Tuesday he was just pitiful.  Super fussy, no appetite and very whiny.  Our poor little fella did not feel well at all.  

Tuesday afternoon at 4pm, after talking to a girlfriend, I decided to call the dr to see if he could just call something in. They said to just bring him on in, that they had an appointment at 4:30.  So I grabbed the diaper bag and my wallet and headed out the door.   

Once we got to the dr. they started checking him out.  They tested his pulse oxygen levels and they were lower than they really like to see.  They like at least 93 or higher and he was 88 to 91.  Our dr said it could be something viral or upper respiratory or it could be pneumonia.  He said they had to send us to Children's Hospital right away for a chest X-ray.  I was like, What???, seriously?? Uhm I have to go home and make dinner. This was not how I  pictured my tuesday afternoon/night. 

 I called Matt to meet us at the hospital and they got us in pretty quickly and taken back to a room.  They immediately put him on oxygen, taking vitals and got us back for a chest X-ray.  Within an hour or 2 of us being there his fever started to come down from 103 that it was at the dr, and his oxygen levels were coming back up.  His chest X-ray came back completely clear.  We were so thankful!  Even though his X-ray came back normal he was still having all the signs of pneumonia so they decided to keep him overnight and monitor him.  I hated that my baby had to stay over night in the hospital but I also wanted to me safe than sorry.  

Over night Colton did amazing.  His fever came down and he didn't need any oxygen.  They gave him fluids and two doses of antibiotics.  We both slept about as good as you can in a hospital.  It was my first time to stay in the hospital over night except for when I had the boys.  

By morning Colton was feeling good and asking to go home.  The Dr. came in to see us and said it doesn't appear to be pneumonia given his good numbers and that he was feeling and looking better.  They discharged us without any meds around 10AM.  Colton was ready to go home and I was ready for a shower.  I looked like a hot mess. 

The last few days Colton has just been getting better and definitely on the mend.  Today he has been eating great and seems back to normal.  I am SO thankful he is feeling better and it really was best case senario. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Weekend Wrap-up

My weekend started on Saturday morning when I met up with friends to go to breakfast.  We headed downtown to this super cute tiny cafe called The French Crust.  It's a new little place so we were excited to try it out.  It was very yummy.  They had the best croissants ever.  

Sunday we went to church then to Chuy's for lunch.  It's quickly become my favorite place to eat.  I LOVE their queso and chips.  The rest of the day we took it easy and relaxed around the house.  

Matt had spring break all week last week and started back school today.  He only has five weeks left! It's hard to believe he's almost done.  We started this journey 15 months ago.  I'm excited for Matt to have a new job, doing what he loves, and for a new normal for our family.  

Friday, March 21, 2014

Summer's Sweet Shoppe

Today on Show Us Your Life at Kelly's Korner she is featuring small businesses.  Well, I make, sell and ship custom cookies.  Here are some of my favorite cookie creations!  I'm really excited about my new website at

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Welcome Spring

This cutie pie ate this entire ice cream cone yesterday at CFA.  He's been putting away the groceries this week.  

We are so excited for the first day of Spring today.  Ryan told me this morning that he didn't think it was spring because there were no leaves on the trees.  We had a good lesson on how trees grow buds then flower in the spring.  The leaves grow after the tree flowers.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Super Hero Cookies

This cutie pie is one of my super heroes!  He's so sweet and cute I can hardly say no to that face.  I found this picture on my big camera so I had to include it. 

I really enjoyed making these super hero cookies last week for my friend Kate.  Her son Jack is turning 5 and requested super hero cookies!  They were so fun to make.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patty's Day

I made these fun shamrocks last week to celebrate St. Patty's day!  

We had a great weekend.  Saturday we participated in a family conference at church.  We did personality tests and learned how to get along better and how to relate better to our kids.  It was definitely helpful for our marriage.  It was great and we learned so much.  

I couldn't resist adding this picture.  He is such a little ham and always up to something.  Love this little stinker!  He keeps us laughing and smiling all the time. 

And can't forget this handsome guy.  

Saturday night we went to dinner with some friends and had a great time.  We love going on date nights but we really love going out with other couples.  It's fun to get to know them better and talk about parenting or marriage or just life.  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

First Soccer Practice

Ryan had his first soccer practice on Tuesday night!  It's his first real organized sport to play.  We was so excited and couldn't wait for his first practice.  
(he is in the red shirt and black shorts - in the middle)

He did great dribbling the ball and kicking.  For a first time player I thought he did pretty good.  I was honestly just glad he wasn't picking the grass and paid attention to his coach.

This kid is so funny.  He would get so excited when he kicked the ball in the goal.  He kept telling me how much fun he had and how he loved soccer.  I think it's going to be a great season and he's going to have so much fun!

Little brother did great during the practice too by the way.  I packed his dinner for him so for the most part he was busy eating but he did get up a few times to yell at his big brother like he was the coach, hilarious!!!  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Dentist Check-Ups

 The boys had dentist check ups yesterday.  Ryan was a rock star and did amazing.  Afterwards he said "mommy, was I brave?".  I told him, yes buddy, you were SO brave!  So proud of him and how big he's getting.  It's bittersweet!  I love watching him grow but it makes me sad that time is flying by so fast. 

Colton on the other hand was a different story! See how we are in a separate special room, yeah, that's because of Colton.  Sweet bear was not so thrilled to have Dr. Betsy "count" his teeth.  He lasted in the big boy chair about 5.2 seconds and opted to sit in my lap.  He screamed, gargled and was pretty hot mad that we were cleaning and inspecting his teeth.  The good news is we got the job done! Hurray for a good well check! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Pancakes, Park and Pictures

We woke up Saturday morning without any plans and spontaneously decided to take the boys to get pancakes.  We went to the pancake house, always a favorite!  It was super yummy even though the boys hardly ate their pancakes.  Good thing we only got two meals and gave the boys some of our pancakes.  Worked out nice. 

Saturday was a beautiful and somewhat warmer day!  We decided to take the boys to the park after nap time.  It was overcast by then so a little chilly but they boys had the best time running around and  playing.  

It's been so long since we've been to the park.  We are looking forward to many, many more park days and riding our bikes outside!  Come on SPRING!!!

Ryan barely paused for me to take a picture of him.  He was so fast and too busy!

Love this sweet picture of the boys before church on Sunday morning.  They were so sweet to each other.  Many times they fight over toys or annoy each other but when it comes down to it they really love each other and share some sweet moments together.  Could not love these two any more!

Friday, March 7, 2014

5 on Friday

So I've been in a blogging slump lately but I thought I would link up today with Five on Friday!  

1.  I'm getting really close to having a new cookie business and website!  I'm really excited and can't wait to share it once it's up and running!  

2.  Ryan starts his spring soccer season next week!  I am so excited for him.  I hope he loves it and has fun!

3.  In less than two months Matt and I will be here!!!  Just the two of us!!!  We are headed to the beach to celebrate Matt's graduation from grad school!  CANNOT WAIT!!!!!  Bring on the beach, the sun and some relaxation!

4.  I've been itching to make a yummy dessert this week.  I found this yummy looking Frozen Strawberry Crunch Cake on Pinterest.  A must try over the weekend!

5.  Don't forget to spring forward on Saturday night!  Daylight Savings Time is always a welcome time around here.  I DREAD it in the fall.  I hate the shorter days and of course the onset of winter! I'm looking forward to some hopefully warmer weather and playing outside longer with the boys!