It's fall so that means it's time for soccer! This year is Ryan's third year of soccer and Colton is playing his first season. Matt is assistant coaching Colton's team. It's quit comical and a little challenging trying to teach 10 four year olds the game of soccer. Bless it! Colton is one of the youngest players on his team because of the cut off date but hopefully he will learn something and become the most improved player. He can really only get better from here.
Ryan is finally figuring out the game of soccer, I think! He, of course, knows how to play the game but seems to have more skill this year. Like Colton, he is one of the youngest players on his team. Most of his teammates are in first grade. You can definitely notice the maturity difference. I'm hoping he grows as a player and teammate this year.
Saturday was their first soccer games of the season. They were both excited! We all went to Colton's game then I took Colton and Sydney home so Sydney could nap. It was hot and I was frustrated holding a baby who was fighting her nap and just fussy but it was all for the boys. It will get easier as we navigate our new schedule and Sydney gets older.