Monday, August 31, 2015

It's That Time of Year Again

It's fall so that means it's time for soccer!  This year is Ryan's third year of soccer and Colton is playing his first season.  Matt is assistant coaching Colton's team.  It's quit comical and a little challenging trying to teach 10 four year olds the game of soccer.  Bless it!  Colton is one of the youngest players on his team because of the cut off date but hopefully he will learn something and become the most improved player.  He can really only get better from here.

Ryan is finally figuring out the game of soccer, I think!  He, of course, knows how to play the game but seems to have more skill this year.  Like Colton, he is one of the youngest players on his team.  Most of his teammates are in first grade.  You can definitely notice the maturity difference.  I'm hoping he grows as a player and teammate this year.

Saturday was their first soccer games of the season.  They were both excited!  We all went to Colton's game then I took Colton and Sydney home so Sydney could nap.  It was hot and I was frustrated holding a baby who was fighting her nap and just fussy but it was all for the boys.  It will get easier as we navigate our new schedule and Sydney gets older.  

Friday, August 21, 2015

Five Months

Sydney - You are FIVE months old!!!

You weigh 14.5lbs.  You have really filled out in the last month.  You are so squishy and we love it.

You wear size 2 diapers and 3-6 months clothes and some 6 month.

You take a short nap in the morning, usually after the gym and many times in the car and you always take a great long nap in the afternoon in your bed.

You are such a sweet baby and usually good when I leave you at the gym or MOPS.  You still haven't been to the church nursery because we are always there when you are napping so you just nap in your carseat in "big" church.  I'm sure you will make your way to the nursery soon.

You definitely let us know when you are hungry.  You are so easy to put to bed at home in your crib but you fight sleep in the car.

 You are not rolling but we are in no hurry.  Neither of the boys rolled until around 6 months.  Even though you aren't rolling all the way over yet you definitely make your way around the floor and your bed.  You kick and wiggle all over the place.

You like the jumperoo, the exausaucer and the bouncy seat for about 10 min then you get bored or antsy and want out.  You will sometimes take a good nap in your swing late in the afternoon. You typically like to lay on the floor with your toys while I play with you.  You really just like people to talk to you and play with you.

Your brothers adore you and love talking to you.  You always give them big smiles.

You are a pure joy and we are so in love with you!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Ryan's First Day of Kindergarten

 How did we got here this fast???  

It seems like yesterday this boy was just a little baby!

Ryan has been so excited about Kindergarten!  He has asked all summer when does he start kindergarten and when can he ride the bus.  

His first week of school was only Monday, Wednesday and Friday and only from 8:30-1.  Ryan LOVED it and had the best time.  It was a nice way to ease into a full school schedule.  

The second week of school he will go all day with all the kids.  He goes from 8:30-3:35 every day.  He will catch the bus at 8:05 and get off the bus at 3:55.  He is super excited about riding the bus.  I'm a little nervous and just pray he makes it on the right bus to come home!  

In just a couple years this other handsome fella will join his big brother at the same school.  

Ryan has an awesome teacher this year and I think she is going to be so great for Ryan.  She's thorough and kind.  He seems to have a great class and I can't wait for him to develop those friendships with his peers.  

I couldn't wait to pick him up on the first day and hear all about his day!  

 I am so proud of this little guy!  He is SO ready for Kindergarten and he is going to rock it this year! I am so excited for him and look forward to watching him thrive!  

Shine brightly little one!  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Our Sydney


I can hardly stand, love this girl...such a blessing and pure joy, even when she seems to cry all day long!  But this outfit I bought on super sale last spring before I was even pregnant in "hopes" that we would have a baby girl one day!!!  And here she is, our Sydney we prayed so hard for, in this adorable outfit!  We are so thankful for this blessing!