Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We've had a good day! This morning we had Bible Study and it was awesome to hear a fresh word from God through Beth Moore. I'm doing a study on Revelation and it is intense but I'm learning alot.
Ryan was having the best time going down his slide this afternoon. He would slide down then jump up and clap for himself. His favorite song right now is The Wheels on the Bus. He will start to roll his arms around in motion and want me to start singing it.

Seems like all I do lately is make to-do lists. I have a to-do list for everything from Ryan's big boy room, to the nursery, to things to do before baby comes and things to do before vacation next month. I love lists and they help me stay organized and accomplished.

Many of you might remember when I posted last June about baby Cohen who was born with a severe congenital heart defects and only lived for 12 days. ;( I have continued to keep up with Megan's blog and prayed so much for them. My heart completely broke for Megan and
Brent when they lost sweet baby Cohen. Every time I see pictures of him on her blog I just tear up. Megan also suffers from endometriosis. After a tough journey through infertility Megan announced today they are expecting a baby!!!!! I am beyond thrilled for them and SO happy the Lord has blessed them! Please keep them in your prayers for a healthy baby and momma!

"For the Lord is good and His love endures forever. His faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100:5

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