I'm 26 weeks!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby D is the length of an English cucumber
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 1 lb
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans and pants but everything else is regular.
Gender: It's a boy!!! Still working on a name but I think we are getting closer!
Movement: I've been feeling the baby a lot more lately!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good!
What I miss: Nothing really - maybe sleeping on my stomach?
Cravings: Nothing really except maybe Sonic slushies this week! ha!
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness and heartburn. I live on TUMS!!!
Best Moment this week: Really feeling the baby kick a LOT!
I can't believe I'm already 26 weeks! My pregnancy app tells me I only have 96 days left til my due date. That's so hard to believe. I'm going to do an update on the baby's room later this week. I've got the first coat of paint done in Ryan's new room. Hoping to have it done by the end of the weekend!
Also, I had to post some pics of Ryan's new do! I love it! It's so clean cut and refreshing! It will be great for the summer when he's running around getting all hot and sweaty.
This afternoon we had a make up tumblebees class. Ryan had a blast climbing on everything and didn't want to leave. It's a little bittersweet that we only have one more tumblebee class left. I didn't sign him up for the next session since it's becoming challenging to chase and keep up with Ryan. The plan is to just take a break and come back to classes after the baby is born.
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