Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pumpkins and a New Project

I love to decorate and make cakes. I've taken cake decorating classes and I love it. I love to do cakes for birthdays, showers and any kind of party (just not weddings). I'm actually making a birthday cake for my neighbor's little girl at the end of this week. It's a Little Mermaid cake. My head has been swirling with ideas for days! I will definitely post pics once it's done!

But recently I've seen so many adorable decorated cookies. I absolutely love decorated cookies and I want to try my hand at them and make them for birthday's, showers and other occasions.

I bought a pumpkin cookie cutter and tried my first batch. I found my cookie recipe from Robin's blog All About the Cookies. She has the most adorable cookies! The cookie recipe was a huge success! Making the royal icing was a little tricky. I've made the icing before but had a little trouble getting the right consistency. Hoping that gets easier over time.

I'm still a beginner but I was pretty happy with the way the pumpkins turned out. Of course I made mistakes but I know I need lots of practice and I will get better in time.


Angela said...

These are BEAUTIFUL!!

Tiff said...

They are AWESOME!!!! I want one.. ya wanna bring one over? lol

Robin said...

Your cookies are beautiful!! Thanks for the sweet shout out :) I'm glad the cookie recipe worked for you!

Yes, royal icing and I have a love/hate relationship! It can be very tricky. But you're right, the more you work with it the more you'll learn some tricks of your own. Aren't the pumpkin cookies fun?