This morning I had a MOPS leadership meeting at church. I am so excited about MOPS this year! We will kick off our first official meeting next Thursday. This is my first year on the steering/leadership team and I am a serving as a care group discussion leader.
MOPS stands for Mothers of PreSchoolers. It's a group where moms can come - just as they are - to experience authentic friendships, to receive practical mothering support, and to grow personally and spiritually.
(Ryan was using his video monitor as a phone today and was "talking" to Nana)
Our mentor mom Marti shared our devotion this morning. The theme was "Go Deeper" reconnect, rebuild and repeat. She really encouraged us to reach out to new moms and help them connect and really feel apart of the group.
Are any of you involved in a MOPS group in your area?
After my MOPS meeting we had lunch with Tiffany and Presley at Chili's. I love Chili's and it did not disappoint. The kids were good too! Ryan came home and took a three and a half hour nap. I am loving these long afternoon naps!
I need to see a pic of P and Ryan at lunch, mam! Lol.. j/k! So looking forward to MOPS!! Super happy we are together, too!
Lunch was great..let's do it again, soon!
Are yall doing "Momology?"
We started back MOPS on Wed!
Oh my goodness....he is such a cutie!!!
Oh my goodness....he is such a cutie!!!
I'm involved with MOPS here in Chattanooga. I've been doing it for about 2 1/2 years and this is my second year on the leadership team. I'm on the hospitality team this year, I did our table decorations. They are so cute! We're doing Momology. =)
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