Thursday, October 6, 2011


I cannot get out of my head the sweet 10 month old baby girl name Lisa who was kidnapped from her home on Monday night in Kansas City, MO. How absolutely horrifying!!!! I cannot even imagine the anguish these parents are going through right now! Breaks my heart! Every time I hear or think about it I just say a prayer that they will find this little baby girl soon and alive.

It reminds me to be thankful for everything in my life.

I have a WONDERFUL husband who does so much for our family. Matt is just the best husband and best father in the world.

I've got the most wonderful and beautiful boys in the world. They are such a joy! I love Ryan's age right now! He is at a hard age but it's fun. His language has really taken off in the last month and it has made such a difference. He's had some jealousy issues and acting out since Colton was born but the last few weeks have been SO much better. Tonight I was putting him to bed and reading his books and he was just so sweet.

And Colton is the sweetest and best baby. This morning I had MOPS steering meeting and our childcare coordinator told me that Colton was so good and she was so happy she got to hold him for an hour today. That just makes a mom's heart smile. I am SO thankful that we have such a wonderful church with amazing nursery workers who just love my kids.
(Just something I want to remember! Ryan has a zoo in his bed! HA! He seriously must have at least ten stuffed animals in his crib and two blankets! He loves stuffed animals and every time he gets a new one he has to sleep with it. I have to go in his room when he's not in there and take out some animals!)

I am so thankful for my MOPS friends. They are truly some of my best friends. I can read parenting books all day long or google parenting tips but nothing compares to talking with someone who is in that same season of life and can relate to what your life is like.

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