Wednesday, April 20, 2011

St. George Island Part 3

The beach was absolutely beautiful at sunset. We took the kids down to the water to walk a couple of nights. It was so fun and the kids loved playing in the sand and picking up sea shells. Here are some of the family pics we took on the beach!

He didn't like the sand on his hands. He was holding his hand up wanting me to get the sand off.

Ryan would grab my hand and walk towards the water. He loved putting his feet in the water and watching the waves come up to his feet.

Watching the waves with Daddy!

I loves these two pictures! They just crack me up!

The guys went fishing one day and caught 31 fish! They paid someone to clean them and brought them home to cook! We fried them up and they were soooo good! Matt, who doens't normally like fish, ate it up and really liked it! The guys also bought some shrimp right off the boat from some fisherman who had just come in for the day. Eric was showing the kids the shrimps!

Ryan was telling the fish "bye-bye" here! hahahaha! He had seen enough!

This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip! Lillian Grace was NOT impressed with the shrimp the guys brought home!

Matt and I before our date night out! We went to the same place that Rachel and Eric went, The Boss Oyster. Neither of us are crazy about seafood but it was fun to eat right on the water. The only problem was the seagulls were diving for our food!

The Weavers - this is my favorite pic of them!

The Tichy's

One last beautiful sunrise on the morning we left!
The girls and our kiddos! Rachel with Alex and Ana, Katie with Lillian Grace and Me and Ryan. Love these girls and so thankful to have them in my life and call them friends! Who knew when we met so many years ago that we would all get married within one year of each other and all start our families around the same time. Love these friends and can't wait to go on vacation with them again!

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