Saturday, April 23, 2011

22 Months

Ryan - You are 22 months old!!!! In just two short months you will turn TWO!!!!

What have you been up to this month???

You weigh 26 lbs and wear size 4 diapers. You wear size 24 month - 2T clothes and size 6 shoe.

Your personality grows more and more every day! You love to laugh and you make us laugh all the time.

He is talking more. You love to say what a dog, lion and sheep say. You love to say Nana. He looks at my mom and says Nana all the time. His favorite things to say are dadda and to tell the dogs "sit".

You absolutely love water. You love to fill up your cup in the tub and pour water over yourself. You are so happy in the tub and you absolutely loved playing the ocean last week at the beach.

You have to carry something in your hands all the time. It's amazing how many things end up in the car because you have to take something in the car when we leave the house. Usually a toy or stuffed animal or book.

Lately we noticed you like to carry around your pajama shirt and suck your thumb. You usually only suck your thumb when you are in your bed but if your pajama shirt is around you will grab it and start sucking your thumb. It's your security blanket. It doesn't have to be the same pajama shirt but just a pajama shirt. So funny!!!

You took your second airplane ride last week on vacation. You did really good especially with a 2 hour delay coming home. We are so thankful you are such a good traveler.

You are the sweetest little boy and everyone constantly tells us what a smiley boy you are. You smile all the time. You are at a really fun age. You are understand more and more what we say. I can't wait til I can really carry on a conversation with you.

When I look back at pictures from just one year ago I can't believe how fast you are growing up. You are getting so big! You are such a delight and we love every crazy and exhausting minute of being your mom and dad. We love you so much Monkey!!!

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