Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Colton's Birthday

On Sunday I was beginning to wonder if Colton was ever going to make his entrance into the world. I was still only having mild contractions and he was still pretty high.

Sunday afternoon I took the dogs for a walk during Ryan's nap and then I went to Kroger to get groceries for the week. I was putting the groceries in the car when I felt some leakage and I thought "uhm hope that wasn't my water that just broke". Ha! With Ryan was water broke after we got to the hospital and it gushed so I wasn't sure since it was just a trickle.

Once I got home I knew it wasn't just my bladder and that my water was leaking. We called the doctor and they said it sounded like my water broke and to come on in. We called my in-laws to come stay with Ryan and we headed to the hospital!

We got to the hospital around 8:15 and they confirmed that my water had indeed broke! Colton was on his way but I was still only 2 cm dilated and he was still pretty high. They admitted us to the hospital and we got to our room around 9:30. I still wasn't having very strong contractions but they monitored me for an hour to see how I was a progressing.

By 11 my contractions were pretty far apart so they started me on pitocin to pick things up. The contractions definitely started picking up and I was being asked to be checked around 12:00. I was 5-6cm and was ready for the epidural. They prepped me and I got some relief by 1am.

I progressed really fast and was 10cm by 2:30am. I pushed around 30 minutes and little Colton made his debut at 3:25am. He weighed 7lbs 1oz and 20 inches long.

My sweet new boy!!!!

Colton looks a whole lot like his big brother Ryan did at birth! I will have to post with pictures to compare. He does have darker hair than Ryan did and more of it! It's so gorgeous I love it!

He is such a good and sweet baby! We are totally in love with him!!!

We are so blessed!

Daddy's new boy!

Funny how I was in labor with Ryan on a Sunday night and he was born on a Monday morning! The bad thing about that is we got absolutely no sleep on Sunday night. Once Colton was born we were so excited with him we couldn't sleep plus we had nurses in and out of our room.

The hospital I delivered at doesn't have a nursery, just a special care nursery. We were both running on fumes last night so our sweet nurse offered to take Colton to the nursery for a few hours so we could get some rest. We were so thankful for that since we hadn't slept since Saturday night. The nurse took him around 1am and brought him back around 4am. Bless her soul!!!!!!

He is just beautiful and perfect! We are so thrilled!!!!


jenn said...


Lori said...

Can't wait to watch Colton grow up! Our boys will only be about 8 weeks apart :)