Sunday, May 22, 2011

Busy Weekend

We had a busy weekend! We started our weekend Saturday morning at the zoo. Our zoo offers a fun touch and feel class for 19-24 month olds. Ryan was super excited to see the animals! First our zoo keeper came out with a box turtle named Raphael. Ryan got got touch his shell and his legs.

The next animal she brought out was an armadillo. I have never seen an armadillo up close. He was pretty ugly but a very interesting animal. After the kids got the touch him all curled up she let him run around. It was hilarious watching this little thing crawl around the floor.

Since it was the first weekend it was warm and sunny the zoo was packed! After our class we walked around the zoo a little then enjoyed a good lunch I had packed for us!

Saturday afternoon we went to Ryan's friend Nicholas' 2nd birthday party. Technically Nicholas doesn't turn two until the end of June but his mommy Ruth is 35 weeks pregnant so they decided to do his party early.

The party was at Nicholas' house complete with a bounce house and swing set. Ryan LOVED both the bounce house and swing set. I thought Ryan might be too young for the swing set but it didn't take long and he was climbing up the ladder and sliding down the slide. He loved it!

It was pretty warm out and Ryan got so flushed and sweaty. He had so much fun but he was filthy by the time we left. He got a good scrub down in the tub when we got home. We wore himself our and was asleep within 20 minutes of putting him to bed!
Today we went to church then to McAlister's for lunch! I was so glad it was warm and sunny out! We are so tired of the rain around here. We took it easy this afternoon and just relaxed at home. It was a good and fun weekend!

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