I'm 22 weeks!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 22 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby D is the size of a navel orange
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Loss of 6lbs
Maternity Clothes: I finally pulled out my maternity clothes from the basement last week. I wore maternity pants on Saturday for the first time. Still wearing all regular tops.
Gender: It's a boy!!!!! Still working on a name!
Movement: I've been feeling the baby a lot more lately!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good!
What I miss: Nothing really
Cravings: Fruit
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness and some heartburn
Best Moment this week: Just feeling the baby more and more
My handsome little fella before church yesterday morning! He is such a cutie pie but he can turn on the terrible two's in a second. He is really starting to repeat what I say and understanding more of what we say to him. He doesn't always like when we tell him no which ensues a meltdown. Time out in the pack n' play is working well for us right now.
After being sick and on medicine he is finally eating well again! Last night Ryan ate pork chops and mac n' cheese for dinner. This was the first time he actually ate mac n' cheese. He loved it. What kid doesn't like man n' cheese.
Girl...you look so good!!! I still can't even tell your prego!! Ryan is such a cutie! Isn't it cute when they start repeating the words we say!
You look great!!
hi summer! i'm coming over from kimmie's blog! she gave you a shout out on her blog, so i wanted to pop by! :)
your little boy ryan is darling! and how exciting you're having another, just like kimmie! i have 2 boys myself (4 and 8mos) and i love every second! i love having momma's boys :)
i wish you a healthy remaining pregnancy!! take care!
Aw thanks so much! I'm definitely feeling like my belly is growing by the day, ha!
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